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Best combination for Malwarebytes 3 or 2

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Hello @Acor:

Please remember, MBAM v2.2.1.1043 Premium + MBAE Premium + MBARW BETA 8 will never be equal to the release version of MB3 Premium.  Far too many advances have been made with the release of MB3, and continue to be made, to ever believe otherwise.

Also, MBAR = Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit, whereas MBARW = Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware.

A Top Tier, full-time, anti-virus security application will always make a fine upgrade to the Microsoft Windows' built-in offering.


Edited by 1PW
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One additional note: the system performance impact due to overhead, particularly for RAM usage, will likely be quite a bit higher if you use MBAM 2+MBAE+MBARW as there will be more services and processes running in the background, whereas all of the additional protection modules are integrated into a single service in Malwarebytes 3.

There are also new capabilities built into our Web protection and Malware protection components in version 3 which do not exist in version 2 as well as a brand new module included with 3.1.2 which shipped recently that uses machine learning to detect new unknown threats more quickly.

Edited by exile360
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