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Ransomeware Protection CPU usage

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Hey all

I have used Malwarebytes for many years as a tech for virus removal, decided with the seemingly increased cyber security events that I would upgrade it to Pro and layer my protection with Webroot.

I noticed that Malwarebytes Service seems to use in my opinion an excessive amount of CPU 10-15% constant when the Ransomware Protection module is active. This is on a heavily overclocked i7 3930k Hex core @ 4.7 GHZ so is almost hitting one whole core for 50% use and this is just sitting on the desktop doing nothing. If i turn the Ransomware Protection off usage drops to like 1% or less.

I have followed the instructions I found in some other threads and have added exceptions for both Webroot and Malwarebytes, this did not make any difference so I then performed a clean install of MBAM3 following the guide on how to use the removal tool and reinstalled the latest version.

This did not help, I have for now left the Ransomware Protection turned off and everything is working great, does anyone have any idea if this can be fixed or is this just how much resources its meant to use?

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