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I am new to MB 3.1 Premium (as of yesterday). I previously used v2.2.1 free and did a manual scan about every week or so. I am also running NIS.

My question is about scheduling. How often do I really want to (or need to) run a scan? I guess in my mind, I'm thinking that the Hyper Scan is sort of like a "quick" scan and it should be run daily and Threat Scan would be run once a week as full time protection is turned on and along with NIS I should be fairly well protected with my daily web browsing and email. (I don't click on email links nor does my wife unless they're expected.) 

I'm not sure if this is the correct or suggested way to use this product. Any help or ideas with this would be appreciated.


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Hello @Phxflyer and :welcome:

In comparison with the lesser capable Hyper Scan, most MB3 users would be best served by allowing the default setting, using the daily Threat Scan, as the most critical areas of system vulnerability are scanned.  Adjust the scheduled "Starting On" time to match the time when the system is most likely going to be up.

As opposed to the now adjustable priority manual Threat scans, scheduled Threat Scan times are still very reasonable even though their system priority has been adjusted to improve simultaneous user operability.


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That follows the line of thinking I was going to use to set up my schedule. I guess there is no "exact" method and lots of different personal preferences. I was just following what I do with Norton and rely on it to run its own daily quick scans and then I have a weekly full scan scheduled. This has served me well for Norton but being new to MB, I just wasn't sure since it's running full time that daily Threat scans were necessary. I posted here just to get an idea what most long time users are doing and maybe why. Thanks.


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I run a daily Threat Scan at 7 a.m. when I'm usually on the computer, and have NEVER known it was running. ( i5  8G system See Signature ..... which can't be updated until I make 50 posts)

Pure logic: the more thorough daily  "Threat Scan" is the Most Beneficial -- IF --  it does Not interfere with normal computer use.

Just Try a Threat Scan while doing Normal work and see IF the drag on your system is too much

Western Digital's MyPassport Backup Drive Software (Real-Time monitoring) takes 25% CPU usually; I started a Threat scan & noticed via Process Explorer CPU ranges of 15% to 27% for MBAM with Half-second bumps occasionally in the 30's and a few 40's .... a half-second is all for the "above 25's". That was early in the Scan - didn't watch the entire time. Again, I never know it's running.

A few tests will lead to the best decision - which can always be changed.

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