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My REAL TIME PROTECTION is turning off again.

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My REAL TIME PROTECTION is turning off again. I get the little red indicator in the tool bar and I have to go to Malwarebytes and try to start it manually, I am current with all the updates etc and have the most current of the Malwarebytes 3 programs installed.

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33 minutes ago, PA.Dutchman said:

My REAL TIME PROTECTION is turning off again. I get the little red indicator in the tool bar and I have to go to Malwarebytes and try to start it manually, I am current with all the updates etc and have the most current of the Malwarebytes 3 programs installed.


From what I understand it was a bad database update that was fixed very quickly.

 We're just sorry that it happened at all and for any inconvenience, it may have caused any of our customers and users.  Rest assured we are taking measures to see to it that this issue does not occur again.

Thanks for sticking through this with us and thank you for using Malwarebytes

See below to fix.


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