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Computer was fine last night (5/19, ~12:30AM EST), but when I started it up this morning (~7 hours later), an orange-background popup from the SysTray informed me that MWB real-time protection was off. Clicking the button to turn it on resulted in the popup closing & then reappearing, repeatedly. The icon in the tray has a little orange triangle in front of it. Right-clicking reals that Web Protection is off & grayed out.

Now, I open MWB & the dashboard has the orange "!" in circle. If I go to Settings | Protection & attempt to turn on Web Protection, it either immediately turns off again or gets stuck on "Starting..." And if I go back to the dashboard & attempt a manual scan, it self-terminates within seconds.

So, a bit of online searching & I came across the instructions for a clean uninstall. Downloaded & ran the uninstaller, rebooted & got a little MWB box stating that it couldn't connect to the "service." But I downloaded & installed 3.1.2 (was running 3.0.6, previously, because I hadn't known of a newer version). RTP was on until after the second restart & now I'm back to the same problems (stated above). My PC is running Windows 10 Anniversary, 64-Bit.

Thinking that maybe I might've had some type of virus or malware that has compromised MWB, I did a full scan w/ Windows Defender & online scans from ESET & TM Housecall. All turned up negative. The needed files, as per bdubrow's post (also found via search) have been attached.




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49 minutes ago, Madness832 said:

Just an update (~9:07AM EST): RTP is still stuck on "Starting..." but the manual scan now works.

To get things working normally again simply open Malwarebytes and click on "Current" next to where it says Updates in the Dashboard and it should download and install working databases.  If it is able to successfully update but protection still is not working, then please try right-clicking the Malwarebytes tray icon next to your system clock and select Quit Malwarebytes and then open Malwarebytes once again from your START>Programs menu or from the shortcut located on your Desktop.

If the issue persists, then please try restarting your PC.


Thank you again for all your patience, we really appreciate it and thank you for using Malwarebytes.

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There is a clash between Windows Defender Notification Icon program MSASCuiL.exe and Malwarebytes real-time protection function, just to exclude the file from inspection. The file resides in the library C:\Program\Windows Defender. Took me 8 hours to sort this out. I am running Windows 10 Professional(Swedish) 64B, latest updates for Windows 10 Creator Update,  Windows 10 Version 1703 för x64-baserade system (KB4016240),Windows 10 Version 1703 för x64-baserade system (KB4016240) and Windows 10 Version 1703 för x64-baserade system (KB4016871). Try it!

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