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Web protection disabled? Try reinstalling several times until it works

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Web protection disabled? Try reinstalling several times until it works. Dont uninstall, just reinstall by running the latest version. It may require several reboots of Windows and also running the installer multiple times after each reboot. That's how I finally made web protection enable again.

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1 minute ago, jayman1000 said:

Web protection disabled? Try reinstalling several times until it works. Dont uninstall, just reinstall by running the latest version. It may require several reboots of Windows and also running the installer multiple times after each reboot. That's how I finally made web protection enable again.



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Guys... I just found out how to re-enable web protection and I did so by reinstalling with latest installer two times. From all the threads on the forums it doesn't seem that people are aware that this could be a solution to their woes. I just thought I'd share what made it work for me again. Both scanning and web protection works fine for me again. I have a test folder with some game trainers in it (that MB always detects and wishes to quarantine although they are not infected); these are detected during my scans, and when I try to run them MB also blocks them and wants to quarantine.

Edited by jayman1000
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9 minutes ago, Porthos said:


Why are you posting this again? You already posted it once with no explanation, and now you are doing it again. And yes I am aware that the devs have acknowledged issues in the latest updates.... But do you understand why I created this thread; that by reinstalling twice the web protection and scans are working again for me? Maybe others can try this out until the devs fix the issues (and who knows how long that may take; web protection disabling and hard to enable again has been a recurring issue since 3.0 was released...)

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