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MBAM is partly OFF.

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Malwarebytes3 has had its real time protection turned off and I cannot get it back on. It will not scan! Scans by other programs are clean.

This morning:

Scheduled scan: ok [Completed in 2min40].
After about 30 minutes popup "Real-Time Protection layers turned off". Tried switching on but repeated 'off' popup. [Have not been using browser this morning]
In MBAM settings Web Protection was off. Turned on. Announced 'starting...' but nothing more.
Now found Web Protection and Malware Protection both off.
Turned on Malware Protection ok
Turned on Web Protection: "Starting..." but nothing more
Scan: "completed" very quickly. [Later found in log: Cancelled, 13secs].
F-Secure scan: ok
AdwCleaner 6.046: found nothing of consequence. Only Chrome Search Provider 'uk.ask.com'. Cleaned.
Web protection: still "Starting ..."
MBAM as before: Web Protection and Malware Protection both off.
Malware protection turned on but Web Protection announces "Starting..."
Trend Micro HouseCall: nothing found
Whilst running above F-Secure SAFE blocked "Update.exe" Adware:W32/Elex, location C:\Windows\Temp\DRSUnzipTemp\AirSupportPlus. Removed this application.
1. Where do I go from here.?
2. C:\Windows\Temp\ contains 20 files in 13 folders (7.61MB). As a TEMP folder can the contents just be deleted?
[Sent from laptop.   I am reluctant to access e-mail or web from the affected desktop.]
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Now found Web Protection and Malware Protection both off.
Turned on Malware Protection ok
Turned on Web Protection: "Starting..." but nothing more

I started my PC this morning with the same problem. And just when I started to believe that you had finally hammered out those problems with your latest non Beta release.I re installed v.3 only eight days ago. Another waste of time. Back to v.2 then. And probably for good. Even if you stop supporting it. There actually was a time when I believed that using only my security suite was enough. And it probably is.

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Thank you 1PW.

Worked with just the "click on current (next to updates)"

Ran scan.   Ok.

PS. Not very stable if it can be working one minute and not the next with nothing much happening in between. Caused me a great deal of anxiety.
I will reserve final judgement for a few days.


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9 hours ago, lurch234 said:

And just when I started to believe that you had finally hammered out those problems with your latest non Beta release.I re installed v.3 only eight days ago. Another waste of time. Back to v.2 then.


The current release has been the most stable for most users. Today's Issue was and will prove to be an isolated issue that affected even my computers and my clients as well.

9 hours ago, lurch234 said:

ack to v.2 then. And probably for good. Even if you stop supporting it. There actually was a time when I believed that using only my security suite was enough. And it probably is.


I do understand your frustration even I don't personally experience any issues except for today's. 

I personally won't turn on one of my computers without MB.  But the choice is yours.

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I personally won't turn on one of my computers without MB.  But the choice is yours.

You seem to be implying that MB is the only worthwhile protection that is to be found. But that is your choice. I have been using Eset Smart Security longer than MB and it's ESS that protected from a drive-by even though I had MB installed some years ago before MB version 2 came out. In all fairness MB probably got better but I still wouldn't trade it for ESS.


I do understand your frustration even I don't personally experience any issues except for today's. 

Unfortunately for me I experienced many of the reported problems with this new version. Hence the frustration.

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