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Detected, but not removed, or other problems?

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Hello, why detect Malwarbytes-Antimalware mobile a File as ans can not erase this ?

The name of that is, Android/PUP.Riskware.DeviceTest, i am not shure is this the name of the Malware, or only the name from Malwarebytes-Antimalware mobile....?

The path is: /system/priv-app/DeviceTest/DeviceTest.apk .


The name of the device here is, ODYS NOVA X7 PRO BONUS EDITION.

Android 6.0.1, Core Version, 3.14.0+ bnd_ljj@bnd #88, Mon Dec 26 15 :53:46 CST 2016, Build-Number: Sofia3gr_ANDROID6.0.1_ODYS_NOVA_X7_V1.0.1_20161226.

I hope that info´s help in this issue.





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Hello, seemingly no human being for the obligatory infection, or also false alarm . Only two users of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware mobile, had shown this. And no one cares

If I am reading here in the forum so read, many questions, and problems remain open, so there are no solutions to this.


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Hello, I am on this matter, I have just managed to show a picture of the preventive infection ... With the help of MyPhoneExplorer, http://www.fjsoft.at/en/ I had a connection with my Android Device, and then no more. Wanted to send you the file if I would find it, but did not go. Or I put myself once again too stupid in this thing.
I do not want to annoy you, just wanted to help with, this error or whatever that is to clarify. Yes the Android world is completely new to me.

PS: That was a Googel translation. Sorry for that.




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On 9.6.2017 at 2:21 PM, Edgar said:

Hi my device have a Android/PUP.Riskware.DeviceTest and can't be deleted, install apps without permission and drain batery so fast, what is this "riskware"?

Android 5.1.1

model: ZUR722

Core: 3.14.0

Hello, Edgar.

You may be able to provide here the alleviate example, here the Malwareteam, in order to an investigation, upload it.


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