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I have recently been alerted to the renewal of my Malwarebytes subscription, which will be due at the end of May 2017.  Having had this alert I decided to check this by going into MB from my desktop icon.  When I tried to do this it failed to open, although there appeared to be a short period where it seemed that something was happening but it ultimately failed.  I have tried this several times over the last week, all with the same result.  Trying to launch it from the startup menu had the same result.  I have no idea how long this may have been happening as I have not been looking at MB for some time.

I'm afraid that I know nothing about how these things work and having looked at a number of, what seemed to be, related topics on this forum I was very easily confused by some of the advice being given as it appeared to require a much higher level of understanding than I possess.  I need a solution that will, one - confirm that MB is still operating and protecting me and two - let me show what it is doing on my behalf, so that I can be worth my while renewing my subscription in two weeks time.  I can't see the point of paying for something that may or may not be working.

I raised  a question about this a few days ago but the reply referred me to some FAQs and this Forum and as I haven't had any answer to my direct query I have come on here hoping for some help, which I hope will not blind me with science.

Many thanks for any advice I can get to get me back on track.




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@Noviceuser62 Hi and welcome. I do see your version of MB is out of date. ( "controllers_version" : "1.0.75",)

Try this first and report back, please.

** Download MB-Clean Here **

How to use it?

  1. Download the latest version of MB-Clean by clicking the link above
  2. Close all open applications
  3. Double-click and run mb-clean.exe 
  4. A prompt with an option to clean up the system will appear:
    • Yes - will proceed with backing up the license key (Malwarebytes 3.x only) and initiating the cleanup process
    • No - will exit the utility
  5. Once the cleanup process is completed, a prompt will appear:
    • Yes – will proceed and post reboot you will be prompted to continue with the downloading, installation and activation of latest version of Malwarebytes 3.x
    • No – will exit the utility and you will not be prompted (post reboot) to download, reinstall and re-activate (not recommended)
      • We recommend rebooting immediately. Additionally, stopping at this step is not recommended and will most likely not resolve your issue(s).
  6. Upon reboot, a prompt will appear:
    • Yes - will download, install and activate the latest version of Malwarebytes 3.x
    • No - will exit the utility and the cleanup process is complete
      • Choose this option if you do not want to download, install and activate the latest version of Malwarebytes 3.x
    • A log file ("mb-clean-results.txt") will be on your desktop 
Edited by Porthos
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Hi and thanks for the prompt reply.  Sorry for the delay in replying - had a busy weekend.  I've followed your action plan above and am happy to report that I now have a fully functioning MB on my desktop once again.  Thanks for getting me back on track so quickly and painlessly.

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17 minutes ago, Noviceuser62 said:

Hi and thanks for the prompt reply.  Sorry for the delay in replying - had a busy weekend.  I've followed your action plan above and am happy to report that I now have a fully functioning MB on my desktop once again.  Thanks for getting me back on track so quickly and painlessly.


Thanks for the update. Be safe.

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