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So I've been running beta on my laptop since I've heard of this beta and I have been running it with confidence, meaning that I am assuming that this BETA version will function as it's expected from it's more robust full version counterpart built into MBAM

Should I worry about the variants such as the wannacry and whatever else will make anyone cry when they get ransomed?

Are the definition updates released as quickly as full MBAM?

I want to feel confident that I am running this to stop any and all types of ransom junk and not have a placebo installed on my laptop :/


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Hi @ceez, Welcome to Malwarebytes!

MBARW came about to protect users from Ransomware and is entirely focused on just Ransomware.  Malwarebytes 3 Premium on the other hand provides more layers of protection, including but not limited to, Web Protection - blocks access to known malicious web locations, Anti-Exploit - prevents exploitation of vulnerable elements in a system, and our Anti-Malware - blocks and remediates malware, including Ransomware.

So our best foot forward is Malwarebytes3 and the technologies in both this and MBARW are exactly the same in regards to Ransomware, and even better in MB3 actually.


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