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Three weeks left until MBAM gets its support cut and like I said before, I am not upgrading to the new version in case I run into problems again. I can just go ahead and keep the old version even when it reaches its End Of Life but right now I'm feeling paranoid of it just being unsupported and therefore not get any new definition updates. If that's going to be the case, then I would like to know any good-enough alternatives to it, even ones that provide real-time protection which has been a life-saver to me many times, and I would to thank MBAM for that. The only ones I know of are Panda AntivirusPro and ClamAV but I don't know which is better out of the two I've been told. ClamAV only because it's open-source but doesn't have real-time protection, unless its add-on Clam Sentinel is thrown in, then it's no problem. I was also told that Avast 8 might be a good one too even though that's an older version but still gets new definitions, and still having support for WinXP and 2000. Although, a part of me would want to get F-Secure back when I had that on my old computer, and it had done me well.

I hope some of you can talk about other alternatives that I can go for even though I am aware that something like this may be talked about already in another thread or two. I hope I can get a good-enough alternative because, I really don't want to just depend on Windows Defender or get back MSE if I don't have to (even when I had issues with that last year, over a certain process. Not sure if that's been fixed since). Thanks in advance :)

PS: If this is in the wrong section, then feel free to move it. Wasn't sure if it was suited here even though MBAM is the main subject concerned.

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11 minutes ago, BryanF said:

I am not upgrading to the new version in case I run into problems again.

Things for most people have improved in 3.0 since March when you posted last. I also noticed back then you did not pose any logs to let staff assist with whatever problems you had.  I would suggest you give 3.1.2 a try using the new clean tool.

** Download MB-Clean Here **

How to use it?

  1. Download the latest version of MB-Clean by clicking the link above
  2. Close all open applications
  3. Double-click and run mb-clean.exe 
  4. A prompt with an option to clean up the system will appear:
    • Yes - will proceed with backing up the license key (Malwarebytes 3.x only) and initiating the cleanup process
    • No - will exit the utility
  5. Once the cleanup process is completed, a prompt will appear:
    • Yes – will proceed and post reboot you will be prompted to continue with the downloading, installation and activation of latest version of Malwarebytes 3.x
    • No – will exit the utility and you will not be prompted (post reboot) to download, reinstall and re-activate (not recommended)
      • We recommend rebooting immediately. Additionally, stopping at this step is not recommended and will most likely not resolve your issue(s).
  6. Upon reboot, a prompt will appear:
    • Yes - will download, install and activate the latest version of Malwarebytes 3.x
    • No - will exit the utility and the cleanup process is complete
      • Choose this option if you do not want to download, install and activate the latest version of Malwarebytes 3.x
    • A log file ("mb-clean-results.txt") will be on your desktop 
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If I know for certain that things have improved, such as RAM and CPU usage, then I will but the now, I won't. I was told by a friend that (which I think is the latest) telling me that it still creates a service entry which consumes twice more than v2, and he informed me of that just a couple of days ago. Also, I never thought about posting a log in my last complaint. I'll remember that for next time.

And even if I did try 3.1.2 and still don't like it, I can safetly revert back to v2, right?

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44 minutes ago, BryanF said:

And even if I did try 3.1.2 and still don't like it, I can safetly revert back to v2, right?

Sure just make sure to have your key and deactivate it first. I would use the clean tool again to go back.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very late to respond to this, I know, but I've finally had the guts to upgrade and I have to say, it's a lot better than last time. The service entry doesn't take up too much RAM now and the scanning isn't too intensive either, though I do see that the service entry mounts up to well over 500MB when the scan is being done which had me concerned for a bit, as remember I only have 4GB of memory for my system.

For once, I'm satisfied :) I was going to keep the old version until support for that is cut but, felt that I should try upgrading and see what it's like. Then again, I feel that on 7th June, it would be final day that the old version would receive new definitions. I know I'm pointing out the obvious but I'm just assuming things.

Thank you for giving me the confidence of using the new version. Much appreciated :)

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