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Hi everyone,

My name is Ryan and I'm new to the community, and I'm coming to you all with some irritable reasons. I have had the most persistent malware infecting (I think only chrome - on Win 10) for the past 2 weeks with no avail. Currently I have used JRT, AdwCleaner, HitManPro, Malwarebytes and Avast. The last two never seem to detect anything, while the first three detect and delete, detect and delete, detect and delete... without permanently resolving my issue! I have removed all suspicious chrome extensions, reset my chrome several times, and even remain logged out of my chrome account with no avail - it keeps coming back essentially in the form of ad redirects. The most unusual element of this is whenever I click on any google docs urls it immediately turns into an ad redirect that malwarebytes blocks (even when not signed into chrome). I'm at a loss and not entirely sure what to do. I've attached some screenshots detailing some logs/readouts of what I've encountered so far in terms of problems. If there are any experts out here who can help me purge my chrome of this adware I would be overly appreciative (especially with regards to saving the money I'd have to spend on a computer guy).


P.S. HitManPro sometimes detects up to 25 tracers including the conduit, and I've managed to bring AdwCleaner to 3-4 each time. Funny thing is they usually detect nothing until I re-open chrome from my taskbar on Windows 10. The blocked site by malwarebytes is also the result of clicking a google docs link.

2017-05-15 01_39_26-.png

2017-05-15 02_03_08-rkopstick@rogers.com - Rogers Yahoo Mail.png

2017-05-15 02_03_21-.png

2017-05-15 14_55_56-HitmanPro 3.7.20 - Build 286 (64-bit).png

2017-05-15 14_58_24-Malwarebytes AdwCleaner 6.046.png

Edited by ryankop
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  • Root Admin

We're sorry. It looks like your topic was somehow overlooked. Due to the length of time we'll go ahead and close this topic now but if you still actually need help please send a private message to one of the Moderators and we'll assist you.Thank you and sorry we missed your topic.

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