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HiJackThis sells your information to third partys, is there any other alternative program?

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"5. REPORTS AND PRIVACY. At any time during the term of this Agreement, You may

choose to send to Trend Micro a report of log files that may include personal information

that the Software scanned on Your computer. By accepting this Agreement, You hereby

give Your consent to Trend Micro to process log file data provided by You ("Information")

in connection with this Agreement; processing may include collection, registration,

storage, modification or disclosure of such Information to third parties. As a condition to

using the Software and by accepting this Agreement, You ensure, represent and warrant

that You are legally permitted to provide Trend Micro with access to the Information and

You also give Your consent to Trend Micro to transfer or store the Information in one or

more of its group companies, located in and/or outside the country where You are

located, and/or in jurisdictions which may have a lower level of protection of Information

than is applicable in the country where You are located or where pr

ivacy laws may not be as stringent as those in Your own country."

Whattt???? Not happened. "I do not accept." and delete.

Is there any other program that does what HJT does without selling your information to third parties as well as transmit your personal information to them? Even Microsoft asks for permission. Good thing I read that PP normally I never do.

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Here's a thread of a trend micro log at random, who is being fixed right now. http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=19916

The logs will show what software you have, & whats infected the PC... No pictures you have in a folder, no passwords you have stored, look over the link above -- or look over the HiJackLogs in that forum.... People have been posting logs for years.

your downloading a .exe that you run the program & copy & paste it to notepad. What are they going to get.... give it some thought... regards....

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There is the bleeping computers DDS log http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic34773.html but there is nothing wrong with a HJT log, both are great ways for experts to look at what might be wrong with your computer,

The key is to let those that can read them look over them and not to worry as no one can gain any useful info about you from them.

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I think this just relates to the "AnalyzeThis" button. There is no need to use this to send data to TrendMicro. Clicking this button provides an analysis of the contents of your HJT log. The results of this analysis is, IMHO, not useful for an expert and could be could be misleading for anyone not trained to read HJT logs. I always advise people not to use it.

Posting the information on a forum is up to the individual and is nothing to do with TrendMicro.

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