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Should Beta Have Auto-Upgraded to Release?

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I ask because it didn't; I kind of expected it to do so.

Do betas update themselves to other betas, or just not at all?

I'm actually awaiting the release of a fix where the service doesn't get into a state where it gets stuck on exit after having done a root kit scan.  What strategy should I take in order to be aware of when that is fixed (presuming it isn't in

I'd like to be a beta tester; is there a way to join a program?


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With after having done a manual Threat Scan, then gracefully quitting from the Tray icon, the service still hangs around, but crashes out and restarts after a short time.  Then closing it via the Tray icon AGAIN causes the service to exit along with the tray executable.


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@NoelC the update from to will happen eventually, but updates are given out in a lottery type format (IE: We choose X computers each hour/day/etc to get upgraded). If you want the update sooner, you can download and install it manually.

If you're experiencing an issue with 1722, I would recommend upgrading to 1733 and verifying if your issue still exists. If it does, please let us know so we can continue researching it.

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