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I have two questions:

1. Is there anyway to keep the product from updating to the next version, while still installing new definitions?

2. I looked around your website, but I don't see any way to download new definitions and then update while off-line?



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Hi, welcome to the forums.

To avoid the next version upgrade you'd have to always manually update. That's not advisable if you want to stay protected tho. As malware evolves we need to make additional tweaks in removal routines and sometimes these new techniques require we make major modifications to the basic software.

Manual update link(this will not be the most current definitions, but will get you started):


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Thank you for the quick reply. However, your manual update idea does not work. I download the file you provided a link to (2489) and tried to update Version 1.38, only to get a message telling me that I had to update to the latest Version of your software. Any other possibilities?



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There is a database download available at either of the links below: Try the one on top, since you did the 2nd. one

Just keep in mind that it isn't updated nearly as frequently as the actual database for the program and is usually several versions behind, but in desperate situations it can still be most helpful.

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The database link takes me to a download for 2489, the same file as the first. I get the same message in both cases. I check both files carefully, and they are the same file. Any additional suggesstions? I would really like the option of not having to update the whole program just to continue to get updates.

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I can easily update while on-line, but it bothers me, somewhat, that Malwarebytes is the only applicatiion on my computer that updates the whole application without my permission. I like to know exactly what my system is going to do, and not be surprised by a "drive by" update. I want to be able to choose whether or not I want anything more than a definitions update.

This one concern has always kept me looking for something to replace Malwarebytes. At the moment, there's nothing that comes close to it, but still, if I should happen to find a similar program that doesn't update the entire application automatically, I have to say I would likely switch over.

Maybe the designers will address this problem (problem for me, anyway) in future versions.

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