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Voxility DDoS-Protected IPs Blocking Requests from Computers Protected by MalwareBytes 3 with Web Protection Enabled

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My website was briefly behind a Voxility DDoS-protected IP, and I quickly lost access to it. A tracert confirmed that Voxility's DDoS filter was blocking my requests. After turning off Malwarebytes Web Protection, I was able to again access the site. After seeing Voxility's poor reputation here and elsewhere, I dropped the DDoS-protected IP.

I see two possibilities here:

  1. Something about how Malwarebytes Web Protection modifies my requests makes me look like a bot
  2. Voxility is attempting some kind of retribution for large swathes of its IP ranges being blocked by Malwarebytes Web Protection

To be clear, the website was not blocked by Malwarebytes with the "Potentially Malicious Website" page. My requests were timing out at Voxility's DDoS filter.

Is the Malwarebytes team aware of this?

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Having dropped the DDoS-protected IP on my site, you can't really see what happened there, now, and I haven't been able to reproduce the issue on another site protected similarly. I switched from Malwarebytes 3.0 to 3.1 in the time since having the trouble with my site. Additionally, Voxility's filters drop ICMP traffic when on, so the tracert might have been a red herring.

Sorry that I can't be more helpful.

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