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I have Malwarebytes Premium 3.0.6 and Avast Free Antivirus.

I understand that both have some similar functions, however both have different methods.


1) What exactly are these similar and different functions that each software has?

2) Is out there any other software providing a security/protection function that both software don't?

3) Windows firewall is enough? Or a third-party is needed?

Thank you!

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3 hours ago, Decopi said:

2) Is out there any other software providing a security/protection function that both software don't?

The device between the keyboard and the chair.


3 hours ago, Decopi said:

3) Windows firewall is enough? Or a third-party is needed?

That is all I use.


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Thank you Telos and Porthos.

Regarding Windows Firewall, doing some research, I found that Comodo seems to be better, avoiding "phonings home" etc. But honestly, I am not so worry about the firewall.

My focus is:

1) What exactly are the similar and different functions/options that Avast Free Antivirus VS Malwarebytes Premium have?

2) Is out there any other software providing a security/protection function that both software don't provide? With which different function/option?

Thank you!

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13 minutes ago, Decopi said:

1) What exactly are the similar and different functions/options that Avast Free Antivirus VS Malwarebytes Premium have?

I will let @exile360 answer this.


14 minutes ago, Decopi said:

) Is out there any other software providing a security/protection function that both software don't provide? With which different function/option?

That is a loaded question. We do not generally recommend other security products here.

I personally as an added layer recomend using Firefox or chrome with the UBlock origin addon. 

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1 minute ago, Porthos said:

I will let @exile360 answer this.


That is a loaded question. We do not generally recommend other security products here.

I personally as an added layer recomend using Firefox or chrome with the UBlock origin addon. 

Thanks again Porthos!

Please, let me rephrase my questions: 2: Is out there any other security/protection function/option that Avast Free Antivirus & MWB don't provide? Ok to your browser add-on tips (Ublock etc). Anything else? (for example scan ports, anti-worm etc)

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3 minutes ago, Decopi said:

Thanks again Porthos!

Please, let me rephrase my questions: 2: Is out there any other security/protection function/option that Avast Free Antivirus & MWB don't provide? Ok to your browser add-on tips (Ublock etc). Anything else? (for example scan ports, anti-worm etc)


Personally, All I use is Windows Defender (Win 10) and MB. I use Firefox with that addon. But I also keep Windows fully updated.

Will have to wait and see if others chime in here.

The best defense is to keep at least a monthly full image backup. I use Macrium Reflect. There is a free version. It is fairly easy and quick. Remove drive after each backup.


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@exile360 please:

1) What exactly are the similar and different functions/options/features that Avast Free Antivirus VS Malwarebytes Premium have?

2) Is out there any other security/protection function/option/features that both software don't provide?


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@Decopi  If you're using Malwarebytes Premium, the only other security and computer optimization programs needed are free.

1) CCleaner Free:  https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download

2) Malwarebytes Adware Cleaner: https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/.

3) You could also run occasional scans with Trend Micro House Call: https://www.trendmicro.com/en_ca/forHome/products/housecall.html

Edited by Don12
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Hi @exile360,

Considering my exposing to new/old malwares (due to my job), I believe I need Malwarebytes 3.0 Premium + a classical antivirus.

I chose Avast Free Antivirus for two reasons: Reasonable reputation and best system performance (less impact).

However, I have some questions:

a) Do I really need both (Malwarebytes + Avast FA)?

b) If I need both, is the combo Malwarebytes + Avast FA + Windows Firewall enough?

c) Comparing Malwarebytes vs Avast FA: What similar/different security features they have/haven't?

d) Is out there a security feature, not a product, a feature/option/function etc, that the combo (Malwarebytes + Avast FA + Windows Firewall) doesn't has?

You @exile360 seem to be "the expert". So, if you can answer me, I will appreciate.

Thanks a lot!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Porthos is a well-qualified resource and has replied to your query.  In fact, Malwarebytes 3.0 Premium and Windows Defender are all many of us here are running on our PCs. What part of "I'm only using Malwarebytes 3.0 Premium and Windows 10 Defender" don't you understand?

First - YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PROTECTION for your PC. Second - Malwarebytes 3.0 Premium and Windows Defender are recommended additional security layers. And finally, there is backing up your data to an external, air-gapped HDD.

Stop hounding this forum for your own personal Malwarebytes 3.0 vs Avast Free AV comparison.

You continue to argue: "I believe I need Malwarebytes 3.0 Premium + a classical antivirus." Give it a rest. Install Avast and move on.

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