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I realized MBAM does not open in the windows icon list. Attempt to open it from windows start menu but it wont work neither. I tried to uninstall, using MBAM-clean tool, and it seems to work fine and i can complete computer scan without seeing infected files. Then, I reboot and MBAM won't open again. I have tried using Chameleon (13 links), but it shows 

"can not download mbam-setup" 

"can not run mbam-setup"

I even find old posts where "TwinHeadedEagle" share solutions by using "Adwcleaner". It does catch some things and remove it. I then uninstall MBAM, run MBAM cleaner, and reinstall with newest version. Again, MBAM works the first time after it is installed, then stop working after reboot. 

Any suggestion on what should I try next ?

NOTE: my computer seems to work just fine. I do not observe anything wrong except MBAM is not function. 

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I also can not open it. Also it locks up my system when I do try to open it. Only thing I can do is force power down and reboot. Malware does the scan, but try to open it and that is a no go. Also, if I get a notice it found something and click on the notice to see what was found, it locks the system up. I got a notice of an available upgrade and I clicked to let it do it, locked up the system.

I have used it from the beginning, but dang it, every couple months or so it is screwed up again. Getting very very old. I have Win10 Home on my laptop and Win10 Pro on my desktop. It messes up on both of them.

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I reset my laptop (Lenovo t430u, Win7 home premium, 64 bit) to factory default. I disable windows update and do not perform any update from any built-in software. The first thing i did after reset is to download the latest version of MBAM (found in the official website). Everything works fine including log in to my premium account and perform full scan. No virus was detected. I then reboot the computer, and MBAM does not open (not shown in the icon and can not force to start by click MBAM.exe). 

Attached is a few logs after i follow MB-lean, MB-check and FRST. 

I really have no idea what is going on. Since there are so many virus attacks recently, I really feel unsafe that MBAM does not open after reboot. 





NOTE: I noticed that MB-clean fails to remove the MBAM completely. When i reboot laptop, I notice MB-clean is freezing and unresponsive. After reboot, I can still see MBAM in windows startup menu, but again can not force it to open. 

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thanks. your method works. However, by turning off self-protection, what does that mean to the MB3 function in terms of protecting my computer from virus attack ? 



I reset my laptop (Lenovo t430u, Win7 home premium, 64 bit) to factory default. The first thing i did after reset is to download the latest version of MBAM (found in the official website). Everything works fine including log in to my premium account and perform full scan. No virus was detected. I then reboot the computer, and MBAM does not open (not shown in the icon nor can not force to start by click MBAM.exe). 

Attached is a few logs after i follow MB-lean, MB-check and FRST. 

I really have no idea what is going on. Since there are so many virus attacks recently, I really feel unsafe that MBAM does not open after reboot. 

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@Yuming self-protection is a method that MB3 uses to defend itself from other programs that try to terminate it. You are still fully protected, and MB3 is still quite secure, self-protection just adds another layer. For now, you should be ok to leave it off while we try to troubleshoot what could be causing the issue. If you don't mind, can we try one more thing to try can get some more details please?

  1. Download procmon from https://live.sysinternals.com/procmon.exe
  2. Open up MB3 and turn on Self-Protection
  3. Restart your computer
  4. Once the computer starts up, give it a few minutes to make sure that the icon doesn't show up in the system tray
  5. Start ProcMon (double click it) and agree to the EULA
    • You should see a lot of lines start to fill the screen
    • If you don't, click the Magnifying glass near the top (there should not be a red x on it)
  6. Now leave ProcMon open (you can minimize it if you want, just don't close it) and double click the Malwarebytes icon on the desktop
  7. Give it a few seconds to make sure it doesn't open
  8. Open ProcMon again, and click the Magnifying glass to stop capturing (it should show a red X over the icon now)
  9. Click the Save button and save the log
  10. Upload the log in your reply. You may have to right click the file and choose Send to -> Compressed (Zipped) folder if it's too large.
  11. Once you do this, you'll have to boot back into Safe Mode to turn off self-protection again
  12. Then boot back to normal mode and use your computer as normal
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