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Graphics won't appear when printing reports from the managment console

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I am currently evaluating Malwarebytes for Business and I'm running into an issue printing reports and having the graphics appear in the printed report.

When I log into the console, I see all of the graphics on the screen breaking down the percentage of threats, clients, etc.. When I click on the reports button, I also see the graphs and stats on that page in the console. However when I go to print a report, I will get some information on the page and the rest will appear as a broken image handler.

I've attached a picture of what I am seeing below. Has anyone else run into this issue? One suggestion I received thru my sales rep was to reinstall IIS Express which I did. However that did not resolve the issue.


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13 hours ago, djacobson said:

As an alternative, you could connect your SQL DB to Excel and create/print out all the charts and tables you can think up out of the data. Let me know if you want the DB schema so that you can accomplish that.

Please send me the DB schema and we will try that out. Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I didn't get a chance to work on them yet, however I figured out the issue with the reports. Turns out there was something wrong with the profile folder of the user account I was logging in with on my server. While continuing to troubleshoot the issue, on a whim I decided to log in with another domain admin account and try looking at the reports. Sure enough I was able to print them. I went back and deleted the other domain admin user profile folder that was not working, recreated it and and now I can print the reports from either profile.

I've run into profile issues before, mainly on client stations, for other programs over the years. It's usually one of those things you don't try until you've exhausted all other avenues of troubleshooting. When it turns out it was just a corrupt user profile folder you then ask yourself why did I not think of that first? Matter of fact, this is probably the first time I've ever had to recreate a profile on a server of any variety for something like this.


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