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Vista Beta


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I don't think anyone has the Vista beta startup sound as it's not an actual wav file, it's a resource within a .dll file. I suppose it would be possible to grab a copy of the file and use a resource extractor to get at the .wav file but I don't know where you'd even find anyone still running the beta. Besides that, there were many beta builds, some of which actually used the same startup sound as XP.

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I don't think anyone has the Vista beta startup sound as it's not an actual wav file, it's a resource within a .dll file. I suppose it would be possible to grab a copy of the file and use a resource extractor to get at the .wav file but I don't know where you'd even find anyone still running the beta. Besides that, there were many beta builds, some of which actually used the same startup sound as XP.

One of my friends sent me a copy of the startup. now i will look for the shut down.

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