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Still here, still trying to get this block resolved > gamebanana.com

Every time I post a thread here I get told the block will be removed or re-evaluated and then the thread gets locked. I sit and wait in hope every time but our users continue to report that the site is blocked. It's been nearly 2 months since my first thread... https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/197647-17293108114-re-appeal https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/199381-17293108114-check https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/199918-17293108114-3rd-times-the-charm

If you need more information on our site and how it works, I've detailed it in the previous threads linked.

This is getting frustrating as it feels there is no dialogue here and all I can do is keep making threads to try and get more information about the issue as you always seem to reply with one sentence and then lock the threads.

I have some key questions:

1.) What can we do to stop getting blocked. As I've detailed in the past threads, we are a file sharing site for game modifications and like any file sharing site, we have to combat a very small amount of malicious users. We auto detect executables uploaded to the site, delist them, manually check them and then trash the submission, ban the user and wipe the file from the site if we confirm it is malicious. Despite all this MalwareBytes seems to flag us constantly, and the only way we ever receive any information regarding the block is from our site users; there is virtually no communication between GameBanana and MalwareBytes, which only complicates the situation.

2.) Is there a better way to have a dialogue here. We don't want malicious content on our site and you don't want your users exposed to malicious content. Surely it makes sense to work together on this rather than you guys to just block us, but not notify us of the block and leave it to our users that use MB to inform us that we are blocked. For example the Google Search Console Team send us automatic emails when something is detected on the site, we review the content on the site, remove it if we agree it's malicious and then request a review.

3.) How long does it take for a site unblock to go live. In the previous threads I linked, I've been told multiple times that the site will be unblocked but every time I've checked with users that use MB, they state the site is still blocked. This again is systemic of the poor communication provided by MB and forces us to rely on our users to inform us of the issues rather than MB itself.

I am happy to discuss this further either here or via email, any IM of your choice, over the phone or even by fax if it would resolve this situation. I just want to end this cycle of making threads and getting 1 sentence replies and the thread being locked with no actual progress.


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  • Staff

Hello LongUsername,

We are sorry for the confusion, the block will be removed and update pushed out in 5 minutes from now. :)

Can you please send me your contact details in PM so we can speedup this process if gamebanana.com gets blocked next time?

Once again, we are sorry for the trouble!

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