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My Malwarebyte protections keep turning off.  I am told that this is due to interference from Ksapersky rootkit scans, and I need to disable those.  Can anyone give me simple, step-by-step directions on how to do that?  I am far from the world's most computer literate person.

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Greetings and welcome :)

I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems with your Malwarebytes protection, however I do believe the cause of the issue may have to do with something other than the idle rootkit scans in Kaspersky (I know this only because I've used Kaspersky alongside Malwarebytes myself and it's also one of the AVs we regularly test with Malwarebytes for compatibility).

That said, I do believe that we can help resolve the problem for you.  If you would, please download and install the latest beta version of Malwarebytes from the download link in this thread.  You may install it directly over your existing installation of Malwarebytes, there should be no need to uninstall the existing version first.  Once that is done, check to see if the issue is now resolved and protection functions properly.

Please let us know if this resolves the issue or not.

Thanks :)

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