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Malwarebyte not up to date when I start my computer

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I am running Windows 10 home X64 and Malwarebytes 3.0 with a lifetime subscription:

I have read other posts on the subject, but here is my problem. When I start my computer Malwarebytes shows in the system tray with a red mark over it. I then have to right click the icon and ask it to update. Why do I have to keep doing this when in my settings I have it set up to automatic update? I have already tried the uninstall tool which uninstalled 3.0.X then asked to reinstall 3.0.6 which I told it to do so that is now up to date.

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10 minutes ago, bha19 said:

When I start my computer Malwarebytes shows in the system tray with a red mark over it.

How long was your computer off between startups.MB will show that if your computer is off or sleeping for more than 24 hours. 

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Usually  use my computer in the evening till around 7P.M. and then shut it off until around 6 P.M. the next day so about 24 hours. On the weekends I use it more but am not sure if that makes a difference when I turn it on as I have not been looking then. Anyhow what you are saying is I need to check for updates on my own if my computer is off for too long?

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1 minute ago, bha19 said:

I need to check for updates on my own if my computer is off for too long?

Sort of, By default, unless you change it MB checks each hour for updates. So if you don't do anything it will update in about an hour on its own. 

You can disable the 24 hr warning if you wish.


24 hr notice.png

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11 hours ago, dcollins said:

This issue should be addressed in our upcoming release as well


Krusty said:

" Clean installation here after using their latest mb-clean.

On one machine this version kept telling me protection was out of date. After trying about a dozen times it finally updated. "

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