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I just did a clean install of a laptop and went through the process of loading all the customers programs. When it came to MS Office and saving a document word would stop responding. Went through all the troubleshooting steps..uninstalling...reinstalling. repair install few other tips found online and nothing worked.

The customer needed the computer for the weekend so she took it and somehow she accidentally refreshed the computer. So we had to reload all the programs again. But the problem remained. Finally I did remote access with MS Tech support. They stopped all services from running and that fixed the issue. So i went one by one and added them all back and word worked every time except when I turned MBAM services back on. So i uninstalled it and reinstalled it and did the same thing. Then I used the mbam clean up tool and reinstalled and still doing the same thing. 

If I try to save a document or a spreadsheet the program stops responding. I can type out a full document but its only when I try to save it...any suggestions please? Thanks


Windows 10 Home x64 Version 1703 OS Build 15063.250 on a Lenovo Laptop non touch screeen. Office 2016 Via online 365 subscription

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