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Someone hates Malwarebytes... Every few months I somehow get infected with a Flash Update virus, which I know to not click. I look at MalwareBytes - hm, someone has disabled it even though it was supposedly running in real-time protection mode (Premium too). Cannot get updates and/or cannot start at all.

But what always works is AdwCleaner. It runs, finds something to delete, reboots computer (scaring crap out of me each time) and comes back up fine. The Flash Update virus is gone. Malwarebytes now back to normal.

But where I'm confused is that supposedly Adwcleaner is part of Malwarebytes now. I'm happy (delighted) to have it as a separate program, but is that the long term plan for it? I worry that if it is only available as part of Malwarebytes then I'll have no way to fight whatever is this nasty bug 

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Thanks for your message! :)

6 hours ago, Tunneller said:

But where I'm confused is that supposedly Adwcleaner is part of Malwarebytes now. I'm happy (delighted) to have it as a separate program, but is that the long term plan for it? I worry that if it is only available as part of Malwarebytes then I'll have no way to fight whatever is this nasty bug 

AdwCleaner is a separate tool and will remain as it (that includes the upcoming v7).

Best regards,

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