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a new problem with Anti-Exploit protection in MBAM3.

With MB 3.0.6, Acrobat documents conteining module fields to be filled ad mail sent by automation are not able to complete the process.

MB blocks Acrobat when it tries to generate a mail message with the default mail application.

Disabling anti-exploit protection for Acrobat and Acrobat Reader solves.

But the question is: what's the sense of Anti-exploit protection? Protecting users from malware or stopping them from use Word, Excel, PowerPoint an now Acrobat?

Thank youin advance,

P.S. v3.1.x beta eliminates Microsoft Office file saving problems.


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On ‎08‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 4:03 PM, dcollins said:

Do you still have the Adobe problem on Malwarebytes 3.1?

Really don't know, it was a new problem on a customer PC, yesterday.

I prefere not to install MBAM betas customer side.

I will try Acrobat automation tomorrow on a machine with MBAM 3.1 and relate you here.


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On ‎08‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 4:03 PM, dcollins said:

Do you still have the Adobe problem on Malwarebytes 3.1?

Hi, Devin.

I replicated customer's situation on a machine with MBAM with same PDF file, and Acrobat module button "Send by mail" correctly opened a new mail with default mail application (Outlook 2016).

I will update MBAM on customer machine while today MBAM version 3.1.1 seems passed from beta to release status.

My main PC is actually using and I've not found any new problems.

Crossing fingers ...


Edited by zappozeppo
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