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Not a techy person!! Need help fixing my Malwarebytes

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So I had been using the software from time to time since I haven't used my laptop lately. I recently had found that the svcvmx adware had planted itself back on my computer. When I went to launch Malwarebytes, it said it could not connect to the server. After looking online I decided to uninstall it. When I went to reinstall with the latest version I got a pesky note saying that it could not replace the old driver. Many places I went said to either delete the driver or rename it. Neither worked and the driver wouldn't even let me have access to changing it even though I am set as the administrator. After doing so reading I found that I could use the clean up tool. Once downloaded I went to launch it, it told me the resource is in use. I went to download the Anti-Rootkit which is giving me the same message. I know my way around some parts of a computer but I am now worried that maybe a malware is preventing me from using it all together. I'm a collage freshmen who needs to have a secure computer when I use community school Wi-Fi. I have also had to uninstall chrome because of this adware and it has become very aggressive. I am hoping to get around this hiccup and remove whatever malware is causing this forever.

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