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Hello, I'm a premium user of Malwarebytes and I love the protection, I think it's well worth the price.

I haven't had any issues at all with it and I've seen it work in real time and think it's great!

However, I just bought Watch_Dogs 2 from Steam and have been playing it for a few hours and have noticed something I've never seen before as a popup. I'm not sure if it's related to the game or not.  I don't think it is because I have been playing for hours and it JUST happened.  Also, I don't do multiplayer (it's not my cup of tea).  This is quite ironic, considering the game I'm playing xD.  I took a screenshot of the message and attached it below.  Could someone take a look at it and see if they can tell me whats going on?


maleware inbound.png

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