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Unity 3D FP


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Soap Box On

Dear dumb and dumber.

Please QA your updates.

I vividly remember this incident from back in 2013.

Unity executable Version 5.6.0f3 (https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download ) is constantly detected as a ransomware trojan and being quarantined.

I have manually scanned the EXE using multiple other virus scanners to see if anyone else would report a false positive and no one else does.

Do you honestly want to repeat the incident from back in 2013? Get your act sorted folks. Of course I have manually added it to the exclusion list. But if something as prominent as the Unity game development studio executable is being quarantined with a false positive then that tells me that someone is not doing their QA work very well.

p.s. I'm running Malware Bytes Pro with realtime enabled.

Soap Box Off

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