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The Tone Makes the Music

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Hi!  I'm back again.  :rolleyes:.  Another interesting discussion elsewhere (to me at least, but I was talking mainly to myself) and something I would like to share with YOU, as a very huge interest of mine is marketing.  Here, your page for MB download.  I'm an erstwhile Malwarebytes subscriber, and it hurt my eyes when MB 3 first came out, with all the startup pains and then this.  It's an ambitious software and one that should be taken way seriously, right?  So what's with the silly graphics on the downloads page?  Are you marketing to a specific subset only?  What's that at the end of the robot's arm, it looks like one of those claw things in those arcade machines that grabs a prize only here it looks like it's reaching for a worm.  Yum!

It's shaping up to be a serious software solution so it should be portrayed as such, not to adolescent gamers only, though that's kind of a high risk group.  What you think?  Make Malwarebytes Look Serious Again!  But I think you've had this theme for a while.  ;) And I'm taking another look at the new Malwarebytes.. 


mb home page.PNG

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