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HI Guys,


I have a client who has been running the business version for the last 2 years or so. I am about to remove their old server from the infrastructure setup, its on its last legs and all their software is now cloud based. All their 10 PCs will be spread across two sites in the next week. So in effect they will have 10 stand alone PCs. I have been through the pros and cons and all is understood and accepted by the business owner.


They are currently licensed for 10 copies and the management console. I am planning to move them to the home version.

can anyone see any issues with this at all.





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Hi @berttie, on the legal side business keys will not activate the home version and using the home version for anything other than a home use PC is against the product's EULA.

On the usability and technical side, the home version cannot be configured through command line like the managed and standalone versions of the business builds can, making administration of the program something you'd have to do by hand for each PC.

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