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I'm not sure, if this is the right place...
Are there plans to improve the abilities to upgrade client-agents?

Instead of going through admin -> client push install, it would be more comfortable to just upgrade the clients bei rightclicking 
in the tree-view (on the group or on the client/s itself).

Or do I miss a point and there is actually a clearer way to do this?


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Hi Daniel, the upgrade process is not the most intuitive, so I understand your frustration. The client view and push installer function on two very different principles and cannot be integrated together at this time, the push installer is also very basic. Client View uses data directly out of the SQL database, fed to it by the clients when they submit their status to the database. It is not a direct connection to any client machine. The push tool uses netbios name services to discover machines and runs an installer from temp using the admin shares. The communication to the clients from the server is not the type you'd expect. It is not a push config, the clients are what control their own communication back to the server based on the interval you define in the policy.


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Hello Dyllon,

"The communication to the clients from the server is not the type you'd expect. It is not a push config, the clients are what control their own communication back to the server based on the interval you define in the policy."

No, I did not expected this. This behaviour is clear, nearly all managed software acts this way. I Just hoped/wish, that remote-installing clients (or upgradeing them) will
maybe get more comfortable in the future - I compared this to "regular" antivirus software management consoles for mid-range or enterprise customers.

Thank you, let's see, what the future brings...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I second this request. When a new version is released, it is very time-intensive to update the clients and make sure that every last one is updated. For those of use with precious little time, it is a deterrent to making sure that the protection technology is up-to-date. I still have Managed Clients on v1.5.0.2701 because of this.

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