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Malwarebytes preventing Firefox.exe from terminating

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For the past few weeks I've noticed that Firefox.exe does not terminate upon closing the browser and I've now connected the behavior to Malwarebytes. A bump on effect is that Firefox will not start a new instance until that old instance is killed via task manager.

Malwarebytes Running

  1. Open Firefox
  2. Close Firefox
  3. Task manager shows Firefox.exe processor utilization drop to zero, but process is still running
  4. New instance of Firefox will start, but will not load UI 

Malwarebytes Not Running

  1. Open Firefox
  2. Close Firefox
  3. Task manager shows Firefox.exe terminating immediately
  4. New instances of Firefox start with no issues

Quitting Malwarebytes during the Firefox session will correct the problem as well... bottom line, no Malwarebytes, Firefox terminates correctly.

This happens each and every time I close Firefox with Malwarebytes running. Starting Firefox in safe mode does not correct the issue. Uninstall and reinstall of Firefox does not correct the issue.

MB logs and MB check results attached. I'm not providing Farbar results. There is way too much sensitive data included, so I hope you can troubleshooot without it.

Windows 10 1703 (OS 15063.138)
Firefox 52.0.2 (32-bit)
Malwarebytes, Component 1.0.103, Update 1.0.1819




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Ok, since you're on a 32-bit browser, this is most likely the issue that is already fixed in MBAE standalone. This fix will be implemented in to our next MB3 release shortly. If you want to confirm that this is the issue, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Backup your MB3 key (it's listed on the Settings -> My Account page)
  2. Uninstall MB3
  3. Install the latest standalone MBAE from the following url: https://malwarebytes.box.com/s/1wfy1x2dbjud4bt6i5f97qm8v3wq19rf
  4. Verify that Firefox works properly with MBAE installed

If that works, you can re-install MB3 and leave Firefox excluded until the fix is implemented into MB3. If that still doesn't work, please grab the MBAE logs from C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit

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There aren't many... I cleaned house when I reinstalled the browser. Also, this problem occurs even when running FF in safemode.

OpenH264 Video Codec provided by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Shockwave Flash 25.0 r0
Widevine Content Decryption Module

Video DownloadHelper



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