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Multiple MBAMWsc.exe Processes

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I occasionally quit Malwarebytes using the tray app, then restart it using the desktop icon.  When I quit Malwarebytes, the process MBAMWsc.exe doesn't go away.

So at the moment, I have 3 MBAMWsc.exe running.  One of them says /wac 1 /status off true, and two of them say /wac 1 /status on true.

This doesn't look right.  Please explain what this process does and how many instances should be running.  Also please explain the flags /wac and /status.  Thanks.

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OK I think I understand what's happening.

In group policy I enable Remove Notifications and Action Center.  In services, I disable WSCSVC.  It's just another useless svchost process.

I suspect Malwarebytes is not correctly handling what happens when WSCSVC is not running and that's why I get to see these MBAMWsc processes.

Please confirm and get back to me.  I should be able to disable services I consider unnecessary without Malwarebytes issues.

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