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Hello Malwarebytes,

I am disabled Veteran legally blind but not totally blind

I am running Windows XP Pro 32-Bit

The New Malwarebytes 3.0 I have, has pages where I can not put my cursor and raise or lower the page, in order to see (for example) the buttons at the bottom of the finished scan page.  The Page itself is TOO BIG.

I was at coffee shop and a guy there had malwarebytes running and he showed me the "Pause and Cancel" buttons at the bottom of his "scanning" and "Finsished scanning" page.

I can't see very well if I go into monitor screen settings and adjust the resolution to anything other than 800 x 600.

Is there any way you could give us some type of ability to select "Your Screen Resolution Setting" so that I could see all the buttons at the bottom of the page.

I did not have a problem with the last version of Malwarebytes, just before the 3.0 version.

2. Also one other thing, a friend paid for my subscription (1-year) two months before it was due to expire.  The new subscription started at the date he paid for my subscription and I lost out on two months of service., <y subscription wasn't to expire until Last of December and my friend paid for another year in September, and then in "My Account" in the program it said (after my friend bought the subscription) that now the experation date was in August. Would you please fix this.

Like I said I am a disabled veteran and I am barley makeing it on $1100.00 per month income.  The two or three months that I should have still had, would help me out a lot.

3. I want you to know that I am Happy to Buy American (Made In The USA). 

Thank You

Robert Morris

post script: decedent of Robert Morris who signed Declaration of Independence


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  • 1 year later...

I encountered something similar when trying to get my grandmother's Malwarebytes license reactivated. She used to work in a government agency, so making sure the security on her computer is up to the task is paramount. However, she too is visually impaired, and as such she turns up the DPI scaling on her display... and Malwarebytes doesn't really like DPI scaling all that much. A lot of buttons become unreachable as a result.

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You should be able to access all of the buttons by maximizing the program window which should force it to fit all of the primary controls within the visible screen area.  Please let us know if this does not work though and I will report the issue to the Developers.

With regards to your subscription duration issue, I would suggest contacting Malwarebytes Support directly as they would need to address this.  You may do so via the options found on this page.

I hope this helps, and please let us know if there's anything else we might assist you with.


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