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Hi, I'm a technical admin for the IPs

This site currently passes all my security scans, has solid SSL certs. Can you please delist these IP and tell me why it was listed in the first place? It redirects to other domains, so if one of them is hosting malware I can track it down.

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I further checked this domain and these IPs against every major RBL, and I don't see any evidence of fraud or non-compliant advertising. Obviously traffic can come from anywhere, so a site linking to this domain could be engaging in shenanigans with the owners knowing, but I don't think there is any evidence that this domain is being used for fraud or illegal mailing. In the mean time, customers intending to visit this site are being blocked. 

I think this is a mistake. Please de-list.

Edited by devopsguy
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Hey there, do you have an update for me? Sorry to bug you, but I now have half a dozen customer tickets. My client want me to tell customers to uninstall malwarebytes but I think that's a terrible idea. If you delist the site, it will fix the problem for every customer, including those who are not reporting a ticket, and it won't expose their customers to malware.


Any progress on getting this domain site re-evaluated?

Edited by devopsguy
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