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I have the MGMT console installed on our domain controller.

When I do an IP scan or any other scan, it does not find the server.

I have been able to install the agent on the server manually and it shows in the console. However, i'm getting email notifications all the time to say the defs are out of date on the server. When I look on the console and the endpoint I can see that they're up to date.

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Using the push utility to discover and install to server's, try using the scan network and detect option with WMI checked, using the built-in local administrator account for the server instead of domain credentials. That local admin account will need to be enabled and password protected, if it is not enabled/pass-worded already.

In my example here, I am looking for a machine named "SERVER", I am scanning with "SERVER's" local administrator account instead of domain creds.kiefer3.JPG.a4d3b4806ae6eb49da7ec095085568a4.JPG

Two machines showed up, but only one queried right since I used its local admin, "SQLSERVER" failed to login since its local admin has a different password.



The email alert is in regards to the console retrieving updates to host for the endpoints. If your policy is set to get them from the internet, incremental style, then this alert is not needed and can be unchecked in the email alert options.


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If you are unable to use the local admin, create an offline installer in policy \ installation package. With server's, it's usually the case to need to use the local admin of that server to successfully push, domain creds are usually not successful, including attempts with a domain admin account.

Computers not showing up in the scan results is most typically because:

  1. .Net 3.5 is missing or not enabled.
  2. Network discovery, File sharing and Printer sharing is not enabled.
  3. The machine is on a separate subnet or vlan than then one the console server is located on, a netbios over smb restriction.
  4. Netbios over smb is restricted in some other way on the environment, i.e. netbios ports are closed or filtered; 135, 137, 138, 139  
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