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Hello malwarebytes


I have a problem with malware.

It started last year but at first it was nothing. It got vorse over time. It takes my laptop to boot up around 1 hour and sometimes something isn't right. Like it frizes, games crash, windows crashes, and so on. But it only last for hole boot tome (1h) and around 15 to 30 minutes after that. After all that it is like virus is gone.


I tried running anti malware programs: found nothing. I tryed to fix it in safe mode nothing ( by the way safe mode boots up realy fast). 

Like my laptop is all good if I don't restart it or something like that. If I put it in hibetnation or sleep mode and turn it up again it is all good. So I am thinking it is some kind of boot up virus. And I started this today beacuse I booted up my laptop (after acedentaly turning it off) and it is all frozen.


And here are specs of my laptop just ina case:



Windows 7 profesional

4 MB ram

Core intel i3

Nvidia geforce 730M graphic card.


Please help.

Edited by Niksacokica
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