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MBAE - Internet Explorer 11 (Latest Updates) Random Freezes

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We are also having this IE issue and we are using MWB-AE 1384. I started noticing it a week or two ago, but thought it was just an IE glitch/issue local to my system. No users had brought it to IT's attention, but apparently they had been experiencing it recently as well. I haven't started a support case but I would imagine that the fine crew at MWB are already working on a fix, so I'll wait a bit before opening one...hopefully users will see a fix soon.

Edited by StewOMC
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We're seeing the same issue here. IE v11.0.9600.18638 (running under W7 ENT 64-bit) will launch, but it never displays any content in the window or in the URL field. Entering a URL fails to produce any content or any indication that IE is attempting to load a site. Clicking on the IE "Config Wheel" shows most of the options are greyed out", though Internet Options can be accessed via Control Panels-->Internet Options instead. Closing and quitting IE may or may not allow normal behavior. Stopping and disabling the MBAE service and restarting appears to correct the issue. We're running MBAE via MWB Console v1.7.0.3208 with MBAE client set up auto-update.

Thank you for looking into this issue!



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To work around this you can usually click a 2nd and then 3rd tab in IE and then hit the home button and the page will open.  It does leave hung IEXPLORE processes that need to be killed later  I just heard back from tech support and sent them additional logs.  Hoping for a quick fix as the problem is spreading for us. Would like a workaround in the meantime where I can leave MBAE enabled but maybe just turn off an advanced setting for IE until the real fix comes.   

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  • Staff

Hello All,


Thank you for the information and logs you provided. The team is currently looking into this issue and will see about getting a fix for this soon. I may reach out to a few of you directly for some additional logging based on what the team finds. I will also make sure to update this thread when I have more information.


@JimF As a temporary work around you can disable the IE shield. It disables the protection for IE, but you won't lose the protection for the other programs. Not the greatest of work around currently, but it will save you for disabling the entire program. If I get a better one (that just involves disabling some advanced settings) I will let you know! 

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Hi Ron,

I was instructed to do a dump of Internet Explorer, but technically Internet Explorer doesn't crash to get a dump (or I'm doing something wrong?).

The command I used was:

procdump -e 1 -f * -x c:\dumps "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"

All I get was "Dump count not reached".


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We are having the same issue here, random computers , Win7 x64, IE 11, IE freezes sometimes, can task manager and kill the iexplorer.exe  process and  then it works, weird issue is if open one IE , there are multiple iexplorer,exe processes started, for a single tab

Edited by Koby
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  • Staff

Hello Everyone,


Wanted to give you a brief update on this. We found what we believe is the problem. We are going to be looking into and making sure that it is the issue. We will have something soon for you to test and see if it fixes the issue on your side. I will make sure to update this thread when I have a build in hand to give all of you! 

Edited by Rsullinger
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Hello Everyone,


We are currently working on a build to fix this like I mentioned yesterday. I should have an update soon on this. 

To answer your question @BrentB9193, if you can't use another browser like firefox or chrome currently, you can disable the IE shield and that should allow you to use IE while we get this build completed. It will still protect you with every other shielded application and allow you to use the IE applications that you may use in your environment. 

Edited by Rsullinger
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