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Hi everyone,

IPS, our forums provider, has been hard at work the last few months gearing up for their next big update.

According to IPS, Version 4.2 is expected to be release mid-2017. You can read more about version 4.2 here: https://invisionpower.com/news/ips-community-suite-42-coming-soon-r998/. You can view a video demo here: https://invisionpower.com/news/video-42-so-far-r1010/?page=2#comment-202154

Here's a list of some of the features IPS has teased:

If you have any questions about this update, please post them below and we'll answer them as best we can.


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19 minutes ago, David H. Lipman said:

Nothing about better spam protection ?

IPS has announced a lot more features (you can read all of them here: https://invisionpower.com/news/ips-community-suite-42-coming-soon-r998/ see the "Coming Soon in 4.2" widget on the side) but the above curated list is what I figure would be most relevant to our forum users.

I haven't read anything specifically about spam, but this is just a list of what IPS has chosen announce -- I'm sure there are going to be more features that they'll announce in the coming months.


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  • celee changed the title to IPS Community Suite 4.2 - Coming Aug 7!
  • Administrators

Hi everyone,

Quick update on this, IPS version 4.2 is ready and we're targeting the morning of Monday, August 7 to push the update. 

Expect some downtime that morning as we upgrade.

Let us know if you have any questions about this new update, I'll answer them as best I can.


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We are still on track for the Invision Community 4.2 update tomorrow morning (Monday, August 7). We are targeting downtime starting at 8a PDT and this will last ~15-30 minutes as we test and verify the update. We'll post info here once it's been completed and we're fully back online.

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