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Malwarebytes Service Causing Slow Start Up

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I'm a Premium user of Malwarebytes 3.0 for Windows7. The problem is, Malwarebytes Service causing a very slow start up and sometimes makes the other programs lagging or freezing for a while. This is really annoying. When I disable the Malwarebytes Service on msconfig.exe, my laptop back to normal but I can't open Malwarebytes program anymore. This problem never happened when I used the previous version, even together with Kaspersky Internet Security program. Please fix this or tell me how to solve this problem. Thank you.

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Try going into SETTINGS > PROTECTION and look for STARTUP OPTIONS (two thirds of the way down).  Play with those settings and see if it improves.  Malwarebytes 3 contains more protection modules than were in previous versions, so its possible that one or more of them is doing battle with startup options for other programs on your computer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/21/2017 at 11:24 AM, gonzo said:

Try going into SETTINGS > PROTECTION and look for STARTUP OPTIONS (two thirds of the way down).  Play with those settings and see if it improves.  Malwarebytes 3 contains more protection modules than were in previous versions, so its possible that one or more of them is doing battle with startup options for other programs on your computer.

Thank you. It works ^_^

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