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This one really had me tearing my hair out.....

Subsequent to an MB automatic update, two older PC's in the same office, both running Windows 10 32-bit with latest MS patches, began to experience issues with loading the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox. In the case of Chrome, it would display boxes for a few different extensions saying they had "crashed." These extensions included Adobe Acrobat and Google Hangouts. I searched the Google forums, and nothing they suggested worked.

Then someone suggested Norton AV could be causing the problem. But that wasn't it. It was Malwarebytes. With it completely turned off, the browsers would load with no problems.

The fix I finally came up isn't at all optimal, but I had no choice.

Went to Settings:Protection:Manage Protected Applications. From there I turned off protection for Chrome and Firefox. It solved the problem on both machines.

Both machines had startup pages that pointed to Google. But the site didn't matter. I couldn't access ANY site at all until I made these changes.

I haven't seen this issue arise on 64-bit Windows 10 machines and no problems on any of the Macs.

I sure don't like the idea of folks surfing the web with no malware protection, but they have to be able to do their work. If anyone knows of a better fix, I would be grateful if you would share it.


Edited by Insecure
Posted an oddball sentence
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