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Ransom Virus Help

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No it says its clean.  No blocked websites here since 4/13/17.  But blocked a ransom virus yesterday, see report.  Here is an example of an encrypted file, but this may have been from the other computer as they are on the same network.  Like I said in the other post, I've been a magnet for ransom viruses.  And that's without using the internet on these computers.



ransom report.txt

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The file you mention was infected with a variant of the Dharma Ransomware (the same one that infected your other computer). However the ransom note on this computer is from the Fantom Ransomware.

Both of them are dropped manually by crooks who bruteforces weak RDP passwords, force their way in the system and then run the payload. Is RDP enabled on these two computers? Or at least one computer on the network?

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RDP is enabled in the first one you helped me with. That's good to know. I had problems in the past and completely replaced the computer and changed passwords. Guess I will try changing them again.  Would changing the RDP port help?  Thanks again for your help. Your awesome!

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