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I am new to these forums although am a long time user of the home version of Malwarebytes.  I downloaded the 3.0 pro version on my two PCs recently (Dell XPS 2750 and Windows Surface laptop both running Win10).  I noticed immediately that the Dell machine slowed to a crawl during the Threat scans.  A check of the Disk utilization showed that it was at 100% with MWB at the top of the list and so was the memory utilization, however I hardly noticed the scans running on the Surface which has less resources.  Thinking that I had too many junk apps on the Dell, I cleaned out the app list, got rid of orphan registry entries, and defragged the disk, however that hasn't seem to have made any difference.  The only thing I could think to do was to schedule the scans to run at 3am, but I would be interested in your opinion as to why I am seeing such a difference between the two PCs.

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