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Got hit by the Requested Resource error

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Computer came down with it about three hours ago, fiddled a bit with Anti-virus software and looked around online to try to find a solution.  Couldn't do a system restore even in safe mode.

Looked at some of the steps people were doing here and I DID manage to get Malwarebytes running in the absolute bare-minimum of Safe Mode, but after trying with Network and then trying to reboot again in minimum Safe Mode when I couldn't run Malwarebyes then, all I'm getting is a black screen.

I know someone else reported something similar, and I can still use the mouse and bring up the task menu with ctrl+alt+del, but other than that I'm in the dark about what's going on with my computer.

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Minor breakthrough.  Was able to back out after disabling a few of the programs that were coming up in Safe Mode, and then log back in to access Safe Mode.  Malwarebytes was being blocked again, but I did manage to get the FRST program running, so hopefully that'll help better explain what's going on with my PC and how to hopefully fix it.



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