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Malwarebytes locking up Firefox

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Seems to be happening every few days.  FF locks up when I start it and won't connect to websites.  Chrome and IE work fine. Drove me nuts for weeks.  Starting Firefox in safe mode doesn't help but "refreshing" Firefox always helps (for a few days).  So one at a time I started removing programs and it seems Malwarebytes is the culprit.  As soon as I disable MB Firefox starts right up then when I restart MB, same problem, FF hangs.  If I do a "refresh" on FF it also works WITH MB RUNNING but FF eventually dies again within a few hours or a day or a few days and stopping MB fixes it again.

I have tried BOTH the 32bit and 64bit Firefox.  Always the latest versions of both FF and MB.  Not sure if it matters but I also have Norton Anti-Virus running but stopping that doesn't help, only stopping MB gets FF back again


Am i alone with this issue?

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9 minutes ago, dcollins said:

We have had reports of similar symptoms, but not exactly what you're describing. Can you try going in to Malwarebytes -> Settings -> Protection and under Manage Protection Applications, turn off firefox.exe and see if that helps?

OK, done.  Will give it some time and let you know.


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2 minutes ago, Super Dave said:

Ed are you sure 64 bit FF is affected? My 64 bit  FF has no problems and others have said its the 32 bit that's affected.

We were never able to confirm the issue on Firefox (32-bit or 64-bit), only 32-bit Chrome. Although our testing with some users has shown that our resolution also solved their Firefox issues.

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3 hours ago, Super Dave said:

Ed are you sure 64 bit FF is affected? My 64 bit  FF has no problems and others have said its the 32 bit that's affected.

99.999% sure but not 100% since I have tried so many things.  For now I have done what @dcollins suggested and will give it a few days to see if it happens again.  CURRENTLY I am back at 32bit.



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