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Windows 10 Creators Update

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I have recently updated to the just released creators update for windows 10 and am experiancing the following problems with malwarebytes :

1 : It will not run alongside windows defender - windows defender see's it as an "alternative" anti-virus and will not turn on real time protection - to solve this i have had to de-register malware bytes with windows activation center and this has allowed windows defender to turn on real time protection as a temporay solution - it is not however ideal and i want to know when this will be sorted out or if there is a solution other than the one i have just described.

2 : malware bytes will now not update it's data base and so far i have not been able to fix it - please can someone help here with these problems as i am sure that i can't be the only one experiancing this. 

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I have installed the latest updated version as per your 1st post and reset malwarebytes to register with windows action center and it appears to be working alright so far - windows defender however is taking rather long to load when asked to open but it is not showing/asking for real time proction to be turned on. I don't know if the long time opening is a symptom of the build or if it is connected to malware bytes i am still investigating - any idea's would be appreciated.

I cannot get malwarebytes to update/show the cuurnt version data base is updated despite installing the latest version as per your 1st post. I have run the FRST and MB-Check and posted the results - please advise where/what to do next as this is very worring and i am now even considering abandoing this creators update and reverting back to the previous version as i had none of this when it was installed - it will however be sad if this cannot be fixed as microsoft is rolling this out and users will be left with either installing another anti virus software or removing malwarebytes and installing something else that works with windows etc. please advise going forward.FRST.txtAddition.txt 



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I have reset the hosts file as directed and also checked the windows services - found the "Delivery Optimization" was reset to manual triggering - reset to "automatic" tried the update for malwarebytes and everything is now "Green" - something during the upgrade process went wrong and certian services/files were corrupted/reset. I am now wondering if this is a common problem that is going to affect this windows update going forward - i am however happy that this has been solved for the time being, but am worried that as more of these updates are pushed through by windows this "error" is going to re-occur. Thanks for your help it is really appreciated. 

Edited by Viedges
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