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File Download USNC FFBTAS


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Recently went to a website (TomsHardware) via Chrome 57.0.2987.133, and two random files (FILE) automatically downloaded to my Downloads folder, both labeled USNC, both less than 1KB in size - One was 200 bytes in size, the other 800 bytes in size.

I uploaded both to VirusTotal, no prior uploads mentioned, with information showing they were likely plain text files.  Scanning the files with MBAM didn't come up with anything.

The site they were downloaded from showed up as Clean Sites on VirusTotal:


I've since deleted the files, and have run scans from a few different AVs including MBAM with clean results.

I'm wondering if anyone could assist with any insight as to what could have happened?

Thank you very much in advance.

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Thank you for the reply.

It's good to know this doesn't seem like a cause for concern.

Does something like this just happen randomly every now and then?  I'm not very knowledgeable with technical matters, and the closest articles I could find online had to do with Chrome and f.txt.

Thank you very much again.

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Thank you for the reply.

Sorry for the vague question.  I was wondering about Chrome downloading 1KB files without prompts of any kind.  It doesn't mean much, but I've never had that happen before.  That might also be a question for the Google Products forum.

Thank you very much though, whether the files were malicious was all I really wanted to know.

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What Chrome downloads is dependent upon what site is pushing the content.  That content needs context as well as other associated details like what was actually in the file as well as where the file was downloaded to.  There is just not enough information to draw conclusions.  Browsers download files all the time.  They can download graphic files such as PNG and GIF and scripts such as JavaScript and HTML.  The Browser needs those files to render the material to be viewed.  Only a small percentage of this material will request authorization.  Most will be downloaded simply because that's needed by the Browser to function.  However that material will be downloaded to the Browser's cache.

Edited by David H. Lipman
Edited for content, clarity, spelling and grammar
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