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I realize that I can install Anti-exploit after installing Malwarebytes 3, and it works fine--until Malwarebytes updates. At that point, MBAE is uninstalled, or at least stops appearing as an icon in the Notification Area. Is there any way to prevent that from happening?


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What a shame!

Is there anything in the development roadmap that would mean that your answer will be different in the future?

In a related question, I noticed, in an answer to another post, that someone had said that at Version 1.10, MBAE beta would upgrade itself to the Premium version.

First, is that the case?

Second, if so, does that mean that there will no longer be a free version of MBAE available?


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I don't have an answer to the roadmap question at this time unfortunately.

For your second question, yes MBAE 1.10 will provide the premium protections to all users (even free users). The only thing to be aware of here is that the 1.10 free version cannot be used to upgrade to MB3 premium.

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