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Scanning bug?

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I run a full scan with the command line through task scheduler in XP, and it detects some bad files. After I either choose to put them in the ignore list or remove them, I try to exit the program. But when exiting, a dialog box comes up asking whether I want to abort the scan, and then I exit. If the scanning is done, why does this message appear? Does the scanning stop as soon as it detects malware, and then you have to continue the scan?


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Looking into this more, it appears that if you move items into the ignore list and try to exit, it will ask whether to abort the scan, even though the scan already completed. But if you move the items into the ignore list, and then press remove with nothing there, a message will appear saying there is nothing to remove, and then you can exit the program without the abort message appearing. This is nothing major, just something I noticed.

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